Sunday, May 22, 2016

Daisies - Refashion

I'm not very good at coming up with clever titles for these posts, you'll just have to settle for the pretty clothes. I know I know. How can you ever forgive me?!

This top made me think of something my mother would wear. And although she is literally the sweetest woman you will ever meet in your entire life (like I'm pretty sure she's a real life Disney princess, or at least the mom of one), her style is not something that most women under 60 would want to wear. But this collar is not something I could leave. Looking closer at the garment I realized all the wonderful elements present. Peter pan collar, blue daisies, gingham, and button up! This thing screamed summer!

Run down:
  • Carefully cut the sleeves with about an eighth of an inch fabric along the seam line
  • Folded that eighth of an inch down into the seam allowance and sewed
I have followed 2 different methods in making a garment sleeveless. The majority that y'all have seen is me removing the sleeves all together and creating a seam allowance from the existing fabric. Because of this top's shape I needed that extra fabric, so I went with the other method. Either way, as long as you get a nice secure seam, you'll be fine!

Feel free to share anything from my shop or blog! I would love for you to hit that little Pinterest button under any of the posts you've enjoyed! 

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